Sunday, March 1, 2020
All About Avoir, a French Super Verb
All About Avoir, a French Super Verb Avoir is an irregular French verb that means to have. The multitalented verb avoir is omnipresent in the French written and spoken language and appears in a multitude of idiomatic expressions, thanks to its utility and versatility. It is one of the most used French verbs. In fact, of the thousands of French verbs, it is among the top 10, which also include: à ªtre, faire, dire, aller, voir, savoir, pouvoir, falloir and pouvoir. The Three Functions of Avoir The many forms of avoir are busy binding together the French language in three essential ways: 1) as a frequently used transitive verb with a direct object, 2) as the most common auxiliary verb for the languages compound tenses and 3) as an impersonal verb in the ubiquitous French expression il y a (there is, there are). Transitive Verb When used alone, avoir is a transitive verb that takes a direct object. Avoir means to have in most senses, including having something in ones possession and currently experiencing something. Avoir  can mean to have to, but that expression is more commonly translated by devoir. Jai deux stylos.  I have two pens.Jai trois frà ¨res.  I have three brothers.Jai mal la tà ªte.  I have a headache.Jai une idà ©e.  I have an idea.Jai à ©tà © eu.  Ive been had (tricked).Ils ont de largent.  They have money.On a essayà © de tavoir toute la journà ©e.  We tried to get through to you all day.Elle a de la famille/des amis dà ®ner.   She has relatives/friends over for dinner.Elle a beaucoup de sa mà ¨re.   She really takes after her mother. Auxiliary Verb Avoir is by far the most frequently used auxiliary, or helping, verb in French compound tenses, which include a conjugated form of avoir with the past participle of the primary verb. As an auxiliary verb, it is used to build compound tenses, such as passà © composà ©. Verbs that dont use avoir, use à ªtre as their auxiliary verb. For example: Jai dà ©j à ©tudià ©.  I have already studied.Jaurai mangà © avant ton arrivà ©e.  I will have eaten before you arrive.Si javais su, je taurais tà ©là ©phonà ©.  If I had known, I would have called you.Jaurais voulu vous aider.   Id have liked to help you.Il les a jetà ©s dehors. He threw them out.Jai maigri. Ive lost weight.As-tu bien dormi ? Did you sleep well ?Jai à ©tà © surpris. I was surprised.Il aurait à ©tà © enchantà ©. He would have been delighted. Impersonal Verb in Il y a One cannot underestimate how essential this function is to the French language, as the equivalent is to English. As an impersonal verb (verbe impersonnel), avoir is the verb in the utilitarian expression il y a. It translates to there is when followed by a singular, and there are when followed by a plural. A few examples: Il y a du soleil. Its sunny. / The sun is shining.Il y a juste de quoi faire une salade. Theres just enough to make a salad.Il ny a qu lui dire. We just have to tell him.Il y a 40 ans de à §a.  40 years ago.Il y a une heure que jattends. Ive been waiting for an hour.Il doit y avoir une raison. There must be some reason. A Word About Pronunciation: FORMAL VS. MODERN Careful with the pronunciation of avoir. Consult an audiobook to hear correct pronunciations. 1. In more formal French, there are many sound liaisons involved with the pronunciation of avoir: Nous avons  Nous Z-avonsVous avez Vous Z-avezIls/Elles ont Ils Z-ont (silent t) Students often confuse the pronunciation of ils ont (aller, Z sound) and ils sont (à ªtre, S sound), which is a major mistake. 2. In informal modern French, there are a lot of glidings (elisions). For example, tu as is pronounced ta. 3. Glidings are in everyday pronunciations of the common expression il y a: il y a yail ny a pas (de) yapadil y en a yan na IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS WITH AVOIR Avoir is used in a number of idiomatic expressions, many of which are translated by the English verb to be. Jai 30 ans. I am 30 years oldJai soif / faim. I am thirsty / hungry.Jai froid/chaud. Im cold/ hot.avoir ___ ans  to be ___ years oldavoir besoin de  to needavoir envie de  to wantMerci. Il ny a pas de quoi ! [OR Pas de quoi.] Thank you. Dont mention it. / Youre welcome .Quest-ce quil y a ? Whats the matter ?(rà ©ponse, familier) Il y a que jen ai marre !  Im fed up, thats what! Il y en a OR Il y a des gens, je vous jure ! (familier)  Some people, honestly / really ! Conjugations of Avoir Below is the useful present-tense conjugation of avoir. For all the tenses, both simple and compound, see avoir conjugations. Present tense jaitu asil anous avonsvous avezï » ¿ils ont
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