Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Varun Nagar Case

Executive summary: Varun Nagar Agriculture cooperative society (VNACS) has two assets which include, Rs 5, 00,000 in cash and a paddy stock which is worth Rs 5, 00,000. The liabilities of VNACS include, Rs 5,00,000 to be paid for procurement of paddy to farmers, and Rs 5,29,167 to be paid towards over draft amount this also includes the accrued interest over the period of seven months(Rs 29,167 is the interest to be paid for seven months from September 1990 to march 1991) as the over draft has been drawn September last year. Mr.Agarwal the Manager of VNACS has two make decisions about two business proposals in front of him, whether he should retain paddy stock and whether he should buy fertilizer stock. Mr. Agarwal taking all the option available into consideration decides to retain paddy stock and not to buy fertilizer stock this decision will be in the best interest of Cooperative and farmers at large. Main Report: 1. Situation Analysis: a) Introduction: The case revolves around Mr . Agarwal, Manager of the cooperative (VNACS), other players include the members of the agriculture cooperative, Mr. Dwivedi, the bank manager.The main functions of VNACS are to procure the agricultural produce from farmer members and market it in the district mandis. The society also procured and supplied inputs (seeds, fertilizers and pesticides) to the farmer members. Mr. Agarwal’s objective is to ensure maximum benefit to the farmers through the cooperative and its operations, and also to sustain the society’s good image. Where as being the members of cooperative, the farmers wish is to gain the maximum return of their produce. The branch manager would like to extend the business with the cooperative in the long run. ) Objectives: Mr. Agarwal’s should make decisions which are in the best interest of all the stake holders, whom include, the Farmer members of the society, the Co-operative society and the Bank. The Farmer members should get best price for their agricultural produce and have access to agricultural inputs like seeds and fertilizers at cheaper prices compared to the market price. The Co-operative society should sustain the good image earned over the years, which helped in ensuring the support of the bank, and support of members of the society.Taking the above into consideration the objectives should be * To meet the expectations and also serving in the best interest of farmer members. * To sustain the good image of the Co-operative society in the years to come. * To maintain good relation with Jaldhara District Cooperative Bank, and to remain credit worthy. c) Decision problems: Mr. Agarwal has two decision problems which he should confront in the process of working towards the objectives. * Should he retain the paddy stock? * Should he buy fertilizer? Mr.Agarwal has these two business decision to make, which can contribute towards VNACS’s larger objective of serving the members interest, and his objective to serve VN ACS’s interest in the best possible manner. But due to the limited resources available with VNACS, it gives rise to this situation in which Mr. Agarwal is confronted with these decision problems. His options include holding the paddy for sale in October to get better returns, another option is to buy fertilizer now so that the society can supply fertilizers to the farmer members at a cheaper price in October.The Co-operative is not financially strong to do both, as the payment of Rs. 5, 00,000 to the members towards the procurement of paddy was due by March 31, 1991. Mr. Agarwal’s objective is to serve in the best interest of the farmer members He understands how important it is to make payment to the farmers on time, so he certainly does not want to default on that, come what may. Therefore after the repayment of Rs 5 lakhs to farmer members VNACS is left with the paddy stock which is worth Rs 5 lakhs. Mr.Agarwal under these circumstances should confront the above men tioned decision problems. d) Criteria for decision making: As discussed above, the payment should be made to the farmers on or before the due date, at any cost. He should make a decision which would lead to maximum benefit for farmer members in financial terms, as that was the aim with which VNACS was set up. In the given scenario it is very difficult for the society to get a loan of substantial amount, though society can ask for a small additional loan given the good terms which society has with the bank.Taking above discussed criteria into consideration we can prioritize them as * Payment for the procured paddy should be made to the farmers on or before the Due date * Maximum benefit to the farmers, whether in terms of getting higher price for their agricultural produce of providing access to agricultural inputs at a cheaper price. * To maintain credit worthiness with bank. Society has already taken an over draft of R 5 lakhs, so it is likely that only small amount can be sought a s loan from the banks. * To maximize the total revenue for the Co-operative society . Decision process: a) Generating Alternatives: Mr. Agarwal has two confront with two decision problem, Should he retain paddy stock? Should he buy fertilizer? From these two decision problems we can generate four different alternatives. I. Sell paddy stock now and do not buy fertilizer. II. Retain paddy stock till September/ October, and purchase fertilizer now. III. Retain paddy stock till September/ October, but do not purchase fertilizer. IV. Sell paddy stock now, and purchase fertilizer now. b) Evaluation of Alternatives: I.Sell paddy stock now and do not buy fertilizer: In this alternative buy selling 100 tons of paddy stock at current market price of Rs 5,000 per ton, would mean that buy this sale Society would only be able to repay the procurement cost of paddy i. e. Rs 5 lakh to the farmers which is due for 31st march. Society has an additional cash balance of Rs 5 Lakh, which would go for t he repayment of over draft taken from the bank in September 1990. But the interest for seven months on over draft of Rs 5 lakh, which accounts to Rs 30,000, has to be paid to the bank.Net Result is a loss of Rs. 30,000 In this alternative we are able to meet the first criteria, i. e. the repayment to the farmers, but we are not able to meet the rest criteria II. Retain paddy stock till September/ October, and purchase fertilizer now: This criteria can give us good profit, but taking the current situation of VNACS which has already taken an over draft of Rs 5, 00,000 the bank is most likely will not provide an additional loan. The estimated additional cost to go ahead with this alternative is Rs 5, 68,000. Estimated additional cost in Rupees|Cost to buy 2000 bags of fertilizers = 5,00,000| Cost to insure both fertilizer and paddy stock = 40,000| Labour and equipment cost = 25,000| Rent paid for storage of fertilizer stock = 3,000| Total = 5,68,000| Even though we can gain good return s from this alternative, it is very improbable to mobilize such huge amount, give the conditions. III. Retain paddy stock till September/ October, but do not purchase fertilizer. In this alternative the cash reserve of Rs 5 lakh will be used to repay the procurement cost of paddy i. e.Rs 5 lakh to the farmers which is due for 31st march. We will retain the paddy stock till September/ October, and we would not buy any fertilizer. The minimum safe estimated market price of 100 tons of paddy stock would be Rs 6 lakh. Immediate cost in this alternative will be to insure the paddy stock for the coming year, which would cost us Rs 20,000. This amount can be easily negotiated with the bank, as Manager of the bank was happy with the operations of the Co-operative. Expenditure in Rupees| Cost of procured paddy = 5,00,000| Insurance cost = 20,000|Interest payable to bank = 29,167+ 26,000| Total expenditure = 5,76,000| Minimum expected market price of 100 tons of paddy in September/ October is Rs 6, 00,000. Net Result is a profit of Rs 24,833 In this alternative we are able to meet the first criteria, i. e. the repayment to the farmers. We can meet the second criterion that is to provide maximum benefit to the farmers, by providing the fertilizers at a cheaper price. The market price of fertilizer in September/ October will be Rs 300 per bag, and the society’s annual requirement is 2,000 bags, we can ubsidize each bag of fertilizer by Rs 10, which will cost the society Rs 20,000 that can met from the profit made, and remaining Rs 4,833 can be carried for next year in society’s cash account. An important point to be noted is we are considering the minimum market price observed at that time of the year, if the market price per ton of paddy is Rs 7,500 which has a probability of 25% the society would make huge profits, this profit can be utilized to provide more benefits to the farmer members.Some amount can be saved for future operations of the cooperative. I V. Sell paddy stock now, and purchase fertilizer now: In this alternative the cash reserve of Rs 5 lakh will be used to repay the procurement cost of paddy i. e. Rs 5 lakh to the farmers which is due for 31st march. Sell the paddy stock at current market price hence the current cash balance is Rs 5, 00,000 after selling paddy stock. The expenditure incurred to buy the fertilizer is Expenditure in Rupees| Cost to buy 2000 bags of fertilizers = 5,00,000| Insurance cost = 20,000|Labour and equipment cost = 25,000| Interest payable to bank = 29,167+26,000| Total expenditure = 6,00,167| The market price of fertilizer bag in September/ October is Rs 300, so the total revenue could be Rs 6 lakh, but during this period of six months there are losses of 5% in the total stock. The total revenue considering the losses is Rs 5, 70,000. Net result is a loss of Rs 30,167 In this alternative we are able to meet the first criteria, but failing to meet the rest all criteria. C) Decision: The 3rd alt ernative i. e. o retain paddy stock and not to buy fertilizer meets all the criteria, this alternative earns profit while the rest alternatives are making losses. Hence the 3rd alternative should be the decision of Mr. Agarwal. 3) Implementation: The 3rd alternative fulfills the objective of society with which it was formed that the larger intrest of the stakeholders should be served. This way society is able to pay the farmers the value to its produce as well as build corpus of the society without any significant risk involved. As discussed in the 3rd alternative Mr. Agarwal will retain the paddy stock till September/October

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Population & The Environment Essay

Discussions regarding the environmental impact of increasing population densities across the globe never lose their currency. From Thomas Malthus to Paul R. Erlich and onwards, there is a persistent concern that a growing international population may not only reach a tipping point in which the planet’s ability to provide for it is stretched to its limit, but begin to experience detrimental effects in the form of environmental problems. This concern is not simply a matter of numbers, but a matter of how industrial civilizations have consistently failed to curtail anthropogenic impacts. As Donella Meadows (199) opines, â€Å"not only are there so many more of us, but each of us is bigger† when one measures the amount of energy and material we use and the amount of pollutants and waste created by the industries we have created to support our energy and material use. In effect, â€Å"The number of people is not what degrades the earth; it’s the number of people times the flow of energy and material each person commands. † One of the most frequently cited means by which highly dense populations negatively impact the environment is through intense car use. Alex Steffen (2008) notes that intensive car use within a finite geographic territory is not only a massive contributor to greenhouse emissions that are warming the planet, but they also command a large amount of resource use through the inputs necessary to maintain highway infrastructure, build the actual cars and fuel them. Granted, the resource consumption and greenhouse emissions caused directly by private automobile ownership is absolutely no surprise to anyone, but the less obvious implication that Steffen reports is that exhaust emissions are only a fraction of the environmental impact of the automobile. Over the course of the mid-20th century onwards, the increasing prominence of the automobile as part of modern living has necessitated the construction of massive highway infrastructure. The result is that when you factor dense populations with intense private ownership and use of automobiles is that not only is there a massive amount of greenhouse emissions, but the amount of pavement this infrastructure commands can contribute significantly to the heat island effect which has become a concern among urban planners as of late. Heat islands not only increase the amount of energy expended on indoor air conditioning, but they can worsen air quality. (Steffen, 2008) As such, Steffen argues that no matter the great lengths that today’s automobile manufacturers go to in order to make their automobiles into shiny fuel-efficient emissions-reduced green things to sate the eco-minded consumer, it will not be enough to remediate environmental impacts brought about by car use. Take for example the push towards biofuels, which is essentially, a push for auto manufacturers, in collaboration with energy companies, to make automobiles that run on renewable agricultural products that emit a reduced amount of greenhouse gases. While there is much fuss in the mainstream press about the extent to which the biofuel industry is cannibalizing the food supply, a more overlooked concern is the manner in which the expansion of industrial agriculture to such a massive scale negatively impacts the environment. Simply put, the principal concern is not the ability of agriculture to feed populations, but rather how the expansion of the food supply, combined with the accommodations made for biofuels, has a deleterious effect on the environment. Manning (85-89) notes that the homogenous and unsustainable approach of industrialized corn-based agriculture is detrimental to the health of the soil. As such, there is a possibility that the massive conversion of lands towards the production of corn could recreate the conditions of The Great Dust Bowl, a period in the American heartland which saw hundreds of thousands of would-be wheat farmers plow the soil to death to profit from golden grain. Thus, as civilizations increase in population density, so too do their demands in food and automobile use, effectively exerting a greater toll on the planet’s natural environment. In any case, we must be mindful to remember that the problems inherent with a massive human population should not lead us to conclude that humans have no ecologically acceptable place in the planet. Humanity is not a virus on the operating system of the planet. Rather, what human society should begin to acknowledge is that it must begin to take a more comprehensive look at its impacts in order to correct them thoroughly. REFERENCES Meadows, Donella. â€Å"The Deep Six. † Grist. 12 October 1999. Retrieved online on March 14, 2009 from: http://www. grist. org/comments/citizen/1999/10/12/deep/index. html Steffen, Alex. â€Å"My Other Car is a Bright Green City. † Worldchanging. 23 January 2008. Retrieved online on March 14, 2009 from: http://www. worldchanging. com/archives/007800. html Manning, Richard. Against the Grain: How Agriculture Has Hijacked Civilization. New York: North Point Press, 2004.

Monday, July 29, 2019

WGS341 MIDTERM LONG ESSAY QUESTION Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WGS341 MIDTERM LONG QUESTION - Essay Example y, poor women, women of color, and immigrant women have continued to experience gender bias in accessing equal education, voting, employment, and remuneration (American Civil Liberties Union 1). Moreover, lesbians and bisexual women encounter significant discrimination in the society compared to heterosexual women. As such, women’s rights rely on differences between women in the society. Most assuredly, different women in different classes approach women’s struggle in diverse ways. We have middle ­class women who seek professional jobs and equal employment opportunities. On the other hand, we have proletarian women who integrate with men to offer cheap labor for the sake of surviving the competition in the society. Sexuality is a significant aspect in the society. As such, sexuality is a challenging subject to discuss especially with respect to addressing women affairs. Ideally, sexuality relates to sexual orientation, sex, and gender identities. Individuals experience their sexuality through their thoughts, beliefs, actions, values, and conduct (Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange 1). As such, considering sexuality in the workplace is very crucial since it presents and explains the economic inequalities experienced by individuals based on their sexuality. Numerous inequalities relate to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in the society. For example, various states establish laws that legalize discrimination based on sexual orientation like gays and transgender. Indeed, the Williams Institute established that about 40% of all openly lesbian, gay, or bisexual employees experienced discrimination or harassment at work in 2011 (Baird-R emba 1). Moreover, considering sexuality helps in determining the position of different people in the society. For example, the society refers to lesbians, gays, and gender variant people as inverts. These people experience discrimination in the work place. As such,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chapter 6. The Intemately Oppressed Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter 6. The Intemately Oppressed - Assignment Example It is clear that it is time makes prejudice stronger because after some period people start forgetting what were the reasons and actual roots of the way things are for them now. Most part of the human history, and it is obvious too, woman was a slave, and the worst part was that she did not even know it. And sometimes people say that what you do not know cannot hurt you. But it often hurts and it hurts even more when you do not know why it hurts or when it will stop. What I would like to say is that when some repressed group realizes their dominated condition and also their will to fight, that is when their true power emerges. Women of America made it possible for women all around the world to feel stronger and more confident, to be ready to fight for their place under the sun. The condition of women during the colonization was truly and obviously horrible, even more horrible taking into account that they were not slaves. Of course nothing good can or should be said about puritans as well as about supporters of slavery because those were the kind of people which fanatically followed false principles (well, let’s not talk about witch-hunting) and it is their bigotry that made false principles seem true. But here we have historical event that changed everything in historical development. Women’s movement and also its aim of the Abolitionism is one of the proudest and really events in American history. Why? Of course because it shows how reason can overcom blind and sinful laws. But the battle was hard as every battle that worth fighting, I should even say it was mean for this battle to be fought, sooner or later, because the voice of free spirit always whisper in the ears of those who are oppressed. â€Å"That man over there says that woman needs to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches. ... Nobody ever helps me into

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Serious Game Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Serious Game Critique - Essay Example The serious games have the capability of changing opinions of the societies of influencing them towards achieving a common goal through educating and funny learning. This has aroused the need to analyze one serious game, in order to demonstrate the way it has the capabilities of influencing the societies towards social, physical, and emotional changes. The research study also identifies if the serious game was successful, and illustrate the way the targeted audience responded to the game. This paper specifically assesses the Climate Defense, which is a defense games educating the player to prevent the global warming through the absorption of carbon dioxide before building up into the atmosphere. The game contains towers that represent quantities of trees that can be planted to absorb the carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere. The towers are constructed by the player to destroy the clouds of carbon dioxide, which matches along the pathway from the ground surface to the atmosphere in the form of waves. The game presents the overall impacts to the player, especially after the increase of global temperatures. It gives details of the expected results, as predicted by the economists and scientists after the increase of the global temperatures. However, the games provide an opportunity for the player to approach the problematic aspect of the results by decreasing the wave-size of the emitted carbon dioxide. It also gives the player an alternative approach of increasing the efficiency of energy consumptions by decreasing the waves of carbon dioxide, which the trees must deal with. Therefore, the game achieves its goals of eliminating the player the various approaches to end the issue of global warming, especially the common one of planting the trees. It achieves its notions be even predicting the possible impacts if the situation is not taken under control. Such predictions include the economical point of view and scientific

Computer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Computer - Assignment Example hat did not want to spend a lot on their learning management system and would be able to delegate employees to run the system while blackboard was found to be appropriate for the institutions that had the money to buy the best learning system. The institution customized learning system required the institution to create the learning system from scratch but it was also a costly venture but it would cater for the system needs since it was tailored specifically for the system. In conclusion it was found that virtual learning systems are now very important in learning institutions, for it operate smoothly and to prevent the cumbersome old traditional methods that used to give instructors and students a hard time. Santiago et al (2007) enumerates that various studies have shown that achieving a satisfying learning environment and teaching frame work requires the use of open source learning platforms and virtual learning environments. They are therefore critical for learning institutions. Rosenberg (2001) further states that online training and learning platforms is a viable mode of instruction. But virtual learning packages should not be a replication of in class training. Structure can vary but the needs of the students should be first and foremost in the delivering training through virtual learning environments and open source platforms. Open source software is made up of broad reaching movement of individuals who create a platform that is available to all and can be modified by anyone. It promotes sharing and modification of the software by the individuals who access it and have an interest in it. The main difference between open source and virtual learning environment propriety systems is that propriety software have property rights that is they have patents and have restrictions and conditions imposed by the software license. In open source learning software users are granted the rights to both program’s functionality and methodology, with propriety software

Friday, July 26, 2019

Individual Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Individual - Assignment Example Apart from these MySpace has a wide variety of applications like a special classifieds page which allows opportunity for the user to buy and sell products online. Thus, this company offers opportunity to expand a business into varying horizons. MySpace also offers sale of goods hassle free and with minimum overheads. The site maximizes the opportunity for product exposure through its advertisements on the website. MySpace offers business marketing. â€Å"It takes managerial talent to identify whether or not the firm has valuable resources and capabilities and to decide how best to use them to maximize returns† (Brickley 2007, p. 247). Organizational architecture is one of the key elements behind the successful functioning of any business. As a manager, it is necessary to create and sustain value and it can be done through the creation of multiple fronts and multiple pathways. â€Å"MySpace is, for identity exploration, engaging in social comparison and expressing idealized aspects of the selves they wish to become† (Manago et al. 2008, para. 1). MySpace also creates an identity for its users and they realize their own self. Besides, it allows the users unlimited flexibility to share their content. â€Å"According to the Pew Internet Project, MySpace is the most dominant social network among teens, used by 85% of teenagers who use social networks† (Hall 2011, para. 3). Since the majority of MySpace customers are teenagers, it can offer documented school researches which would be helpful to the teenagers. It can also provide a platform for promoting artistic talent. However, it may keep a restricting check on its users with respect to viewing of porn and other anti-social activities. In this way, it would be able to target more and more customers because once its offers restricted use, then the parent’s anxieties will be satisfied and they will also become members of the site. In this way MySpace

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Poetry Research Paper on Langston Hughes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Poetry Research Paper on Langston Hughes - Essay Example His was to make, living forever, the pride found in the African-American identity and culture. Through writings and action, he boldly campaigned against racial stereotypes and social injustices against the Blacks. He tirelessly worked to bring the idea of African-American beauty into reality as in one of his poems, My People: The Night is Beautiful, So the faces of my people. The Stars are beautiful, So the eyes of my people. Beautiful, also, in the sun. Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people (Leach, 7). Langston Hughes and his contemporaries tried, in their literary works, to describe the real life of their people, who belonged to the lower economic classes, and with miserable life. They strongly opposed discrimination against Blacks by Whites, based on skin color. These were people who were not ashamed of being black during a time when being black was considered a curse. Hughes emphasized the idea of â€Å"black is beautiful† and therefore took it upon his life to explo re this beauty largely (Leach 5). Hughes promoted a nationalism characterized by not only racial consciousness but also one, which had a cultural inclination, free of self-hate, a characteristic of Blacks in Africa. He encouraged them to be proud of their cultural identity. His technical experience was seen in his emphasis on the use of folk and jazz rhythms as a corner stone for his poems. He first published his poem, â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers,† in The Crisis in 1921. Many considered this poem as his signature poem. He proceeded to publish his first collection of poetry, The Weary Blues, a collection in which he included the â€Å"signature poem† (Leach 5). â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† is a poem, which has attracted both critics and fans alike. Its allusions of dusky rivers, the setting sun, sleep, and the soul provides with both the idea of death and immortality. The poet bounces back to life from desperate grief, an action he does by resorting to his belief in his people and his sense of identity with them. He portrays his weak self as a child as well as that of his father. He uses the imagery of a muddy river for his race. This is where he gets his source of life, from the â€Å"muddy bosom† (black mother). Hughes also equates his vision to the angle at which the sun shines above the muddy water, which has the power to turn mud into gold (Rampersad qtd. in On â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers†). As Owuchekwa Jemie puts it, Hughes accounts in this poem go back to a period before human existence. The rivers can be traced back to the time of creation, and with that is part of God’s eternity since they are everything from deep, mysterious and even continuous. Hughes has named them in chronological pattern, similar to that of the Black man’s history. Their waters have given the black man an immortal life. He has actually become part of the river. Hughes also captures Abraham Lincoln’s freeing of black slaves in the writer’s unprecedented turning of the muddy Mississippi into gold. Just like the river, the black man’s soul becomes deep with time. The waters in these rivers also flow incessantly, a declaration that the human soul will endure all the difficulties. In addition, since the blacks have seen civilizations come and go, they will certainly emerge victorious at the end. According to Jean Wagner, the Black’s long history endows them with a rare form of wisdom; wisdom better than that of the great civilizations in man’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

English - elements of poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English - elements of poetry - Essay Example Sometimes, it works to look at the poem according to structure and note how one word or an entire line is associated to another within stanzas. In particular, I have observed that a poet’s choice of couplet, tercet, quatrain, cinquain, or sestet has something to do with the manner he would wish to convey the connotative essence of the piece. It is fascinating to know that poetry at present goes beyond a standard measure or is not confined to follow a limited structure and form for whether a poem is comprised of a lyrical, narrative, or descriptive features would necessarily depend on the main purpose of the author. Rhyme schemes make a good ingredient if the poet opts to express much delight in sound when writing in free verse which is not restricted by metrics. By personal experience, even if I prefer to go for an unrhymed blank verse, I discover significance in the proper application of sound and imagery for these elements effectively communicate the intensity of emotion or idea which the poet desires for the reader to comprehend besides symbolism. Explicating a poem is a way of providing it a literary analysis on the basis of its theme, figurative elements or devices employed during the writing process which may as well include consideration of the poet’s timeframe, historical setting, and other influences from which to draw further clues regarding the objectives and context by which a poem is written. I have specifically learned that one may not merely explicate a poem at random, stating what is conceived or felt without sufficient basis on the relevant lines of a work. Having read a poem more than once, I have managed to figure that analytical efforts to interpret a poem require profound examination of the techniques as the poet operates between mood and music. Normally, it is convenient to detect the tone at the initial stage for this says much about the subject and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

There is a large discrepancy in wealth distribution in the PRC. In Essay

There is a large discrepancy in wealth distribution in the PRC. In fact it has amongst the most unequal levels of distribution o - Essay Example This paper examines the implication of wealth inequalities in the PRC, particularly regarding individual’s way of living, education, housing, transportation, employment, and human rights for a citizen in the PRC; in relation to that, the paper will address whether people who are deprived access to these things can even be considered citizens. The paper will also highlight the effect of sexual, racial, and class discriminations on the patterns of consumption in the PRC and the manner in which the different social groups in China define and promote popular culture in the consumption patterns. As already mentioned, wealth inequalities have a very profound impact on individual’s way of living; generally, the large disparities between the rich and the poor in the PRC results to social inequalities since they deprive the poor access to most of the very basic yet fundamental social opportunities and services in life. For instance, the huge gaps between the rich and the poor in the PRC implies that the poor have been deprived access to decent lives with since basic needs such as food and shelter will almost always remain an elusive dream beyond their reach. Poor households in the PRC cannot afford daily provision, leave alone healthy dietary, and nutrition and they have to struggle for bare survival to see another day; apart from that, poor housing or lack of housing altogether predisposes the poor to harsh environmental conditions, which further aggravate their already worse condition. Housing projects in the PRC have been monopolized by the affluent and well-educated group that has the financial flexibility to live in those rich neighborhoods (Doray Demers 297). This implies that those without financial flexibility cannot access decent housing in decent neighborhoods like around Beijing (Tomba 1). Additionally, the poor cannot afford quality medical and healthcare, and are more likely to suffer even from simplest of all common treatable diseases. Poor n eighborhoods in the PRC have a disparity of healthcare facilities, and the least that are available do not even offer quality healthcare services either; Lack of quality healthcare and housing coupled with poor nutrition inevitably results to despicable living conditions. Apart from that, wealth disparities also deprive the poor access to quality education since it leads to unequal access to educational opportunities; whereas the rich can afford quality education for their children, the poor lag behind simply because of limited educational opportunities and high cost of education. Uneven wealth distribution also implies that some areas of the PRC are more developed thus have more education facilities that offer quality education than others, which are underprivileged due to disparities in wealth distribution. The rich neighborhoods in the PRC have enough schools, which provide enough opportunities for children from socially affluent families to access to education, unlike poor neigh borhoods that lag behind in development, thus have few congested schools that offer low quality education. In this respect, the limited access to educatio

Monday, July 22, 2019

Monetary and Fiscal Policy Essay Example for Free

Monetary and Fiscal Policy Essay 1. Monetary and fiscal policy and its impact on business decision making 2. Open economy macroeconomics-Mundell –Fleming Model and its application FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICY IN INDIA AND ITS IMPACT ON Business Decision Making. What is monetary policy? Monetary policy is the management of money supply and interest by central banks to influence prices and employment. Monetary policy works through expansion or contraction of investment consumption expenditure. Monetary policy is the process by which the government, central bank (RBI in India), or monetary authority of a country controls 1. The supply of money 2. Availability of money 3. Cost of money or the rate of interest, in order to attain a set of objective oriented towards the growth and stability of the economy. Monetary theory provides insight into how to craft optimal monetary policy. Monetary policy is referred to as either being an expansionary policy, or a contractionary policy, where an expansionary policy increases the total supply of money in the economy, and a contractionary policy decreases the total money supply. Expansionary policy is traditionally used to combat unemployment in a recession by lowering interest rates, while contractionary policy involves raising interest rates in order to combat inflation. Monetary policy is contrasted with fiscal policy, which refers to government borrowing, spending and taxation Why it is needed? What monetary policy – at its best – can deliver is low and stable inflation, and thereby reduces the volatility of the business cycle. When inflationary pressures build up, it is monetary policy only which raises the short-term interest rate (the policy rate), which raises real rates across the economy and squeezes consumption and investment. The pain is not concentrated at a few points, as is the case with government interventions in commodity markets. Monetary policy in India underwent significant changes in the 1990sas the Indian Economy became increasing open and financial sector reforms were put in place. In the 1980s, monetary policy was geared towards controlling the quantum, cost and directions of credit flow in the economy. The quantity variables dominated as the transmission Channel of monetary policy. Reforms during the 1990s enhanced the sensitivity of price signals from the central bank, making interestrates the increasingly Dominant transmission channel o f monetary policy in India. WHEN WERE MONETARY POLICIES INTRODUCED? Monetary policy is primarily associated with interest rate and credit. For many centuries there were only two forms of monetary policy: (i) Decisions about coinage (ii)Decisions to print paper money to create credit. Interest rates, while now thought of as part of monetary authority, were not generally coordinated with the other forms of monetary policy during this time. Monetary policy was seen as an executive decision, and was generally in the hands of the authority with seignior age, or the power to coin. With the advent of larger trading networks came the ability to set the price between gold and silver, and the price of the local currency to foreign currencies. This official price could be enforced by law, even if it varied from the market price. With the creation of the Bank of England in 1694, which acquired their responsibility to print notes and back them with gold, the idea of monetary policy as independent of executive action began to be established. The goal of monetary policy was to maintain the value of the coinage, print notes which would trade at par to specie, and prevent coins from leaving circulation. The establishment of central banks by industrializing nations was associated then with the desire to maintain the nations peg to the gold standard, and to trade in an arrow band with other gold-backed currencies. To accomplish this end, central banks as part of the gold standard began setting the interest rates that they charged, both their own borrowers, and other banks that required liquidity. The maintenance of a gold standard required almost monthly adjustment of interest rates. During the 1870-1920 periods the industrialized nations set up central banking systems, with one of the last being the Federal Reserve in1913.By this point the role of the central bank as the lender of last resort was understood. It was also increasingly understood that interest rates had an effect on the entire economy, in no small part because of the marginal revolution in economics, which focused on how many more, or how many fewer, people would make a decision based on a change in the economic trade-offs. It also became clear that there was a business cycle, and economic theory began understanding the relationship of interest rates to that cycle.(Nevertheless, steering a whole economy by influencing the intere st rate has often been described as trying to steer an oil tanker with a canoe paddle.) Research by Cass Business School has also suggested that perhaps it is the central bank policies of expansionary and contractionary Policies that are causing the economic cycle; evidence can be found by looking at the lack of cycles in economies before central banking policies existed. OBJECTIVES OF MONETARY POLICY The objectives are to maintain price stability and ensure adequate flow of credit to the productive sectors of the economy. Stability for the national currency (after looking at prevailing economic conditions), growth in employment and income are also looked into. The monetary policy affects the real sector through long and variable periods while the financial markets are also impacted through short-term implications. There are four main channels which the RBI looks at: †¢Quantum channel: money supply and credit (affects real output and price level through changes in reserves money, money supply and credit aggregates). †¢Interest rate channel. †¢Exchange rate channel (linked to the currency). †¢Asset price. Monetary decisions today take into account a wider range of factors, such as: †¢short term interest rates; †¢long term interest rates; †¢velocity of money through the economy; †¢exchange rate †¢credit quality †¢bonds and equities (corporate ownership and debt) †¢government versus private sector spending/savings * International capital flow of money on large scale * Financial derivatives such as option, swaps and future contracts etc. Types of monetary policy: In practice, all types of monetary policy involve modifying the of base currency (MO) in circulation. This process of changing liquidity of base currency through the open sales and purchase (government-issued) debt and credit instrument is called open market operation. Constant market transactions by the monetary authority modify the supply of currency and this impacts other markets variables such as short term interest rates and the exchange rates. The distinction between the various types of monetary policy lies primarily with the set of instruments and target variables that are used by the monetary authority to achieve their goals. A fixed exchange rate is also an exchange rate regime; The Gold standard results in a relatively fixed regime towards the currency of other countries on the gold standard and a floating regime towards those that are not. Targeting inflation, the price level or other monetary aggregates implies floating exchange rate unless the management of the relevant foreign currencies is tracking the exact same variables (such as a harmonized consumer price index).Inflation targeting Under this policy approach the target is to keep inflation, under particular definition such as Consumer Price Index, within a desired range. The inflation target is achieved through periodic adjustments to the Central Bank interest rate target. The interest rate used is generally the interbank rate at which banks lend to each other overnight for cash flow purposes. Depending on the country this particular interest rate might be called the cash rate or something similar. The interest rate target is maintained for a s pecific duration using open market operations. Typically the duration that the interest rate target is kept constant will vary between months and years. This interest rate target is usually reviewed on a monthly or quarterly basis by a policy committee Price level targeting Price level targeting is similar to inflation targeting except that CPI growth in one year is offset in subsequent years such that over time the price level on aggregate does not move. Something similar to price level targeting was tried by Sweden in the1930s, and seems to have contributed to the relatively good performance of the Swedish economy during the Great Depression. As of 2004, no country operates monetary policy based on a price level target. Monetary aggregates In the 1980s, several countries used an approach based on a constant growth in the money supply. This approach was refined to include different classes of money and credit (M0, M1 etc). In the USA this approach to monetary policy was discontinued with the selection of Alan Greenspan as Fed Chairman. This approach is also sometimes called monetarism. While most monetary policy focuses on a price s ignal of one form or another, this approach is focused on monetary quantities. Fixed exchange rate this policy is based on maintaining a fixed exchange rate with a foreign currency. There are varying degrees of fixed exchange rates, which can be ranked in relation to how rigid the fixed exchange rate is with the anchor nation. Under a system of fiat fixed rates, the local government or monetary authority declares a fixed exchange rate but does not actively buy or sell currency to maintain the rate. Instead, the rate is enforced by non-convertibility measures (e.g. capital controls, import/export licenses, etc.). In this case there is a black market exchange rate where the currency trades at its market/unofficial rate. Under a system of fixed-convertibility, currency is bought and sold by the central bank or monetary authority on a daily basis to achieve the target exchange rate. This target rate may be a fixed level or a fixed band within which the exchange rate may fluctuate until the monetary authority intervenes to buy or sell as necessary to maintain the ex change rate within the band. (In this case, the fixed exchange rate with a fixed level can be seen as a special case of the fixed exchange rate with bands where the bands are set to zero.) Under a system of fixed exchange rates maintained by a currency board every unit of local currency must be backed by a unit of foreign currency (correcting for the exchange rate). This ensures that the local monetary base does not inflate without being backed by hard currency and eliminates any worries about a run on the local currency by those wishing to convert the local currency to the hard (anchor) currency. These policies often abdicate monetary policy to the foreign monetary authority or government as monetary policy in the pegging nation must align with monetary policy in the anchor nation to maintain the exchange rate. The degree to which local monetary policy becomes dependent on the anchor nation depends on factors such as capital mobility, openness, credit channels and other economic factors Gold standard The gold standard is a system in which the price of the national currency as measured in units of gold bars and is kept constant by the daily buying and selling of base currency to other countries and nationals. (I.e. open market operations cf. above). The selling of gold is very important for economic growth and stability. The gold standard might be regarded as a special case of the Fixed Exchange Rate policy. And the gold price might be regarded as a special type of Commodity Price Index . Today this type of monetary policy is not used anywhere in the world, although a form of gold standard was used widely across the world prior to 1971. For details see the Breton Woods system. Its major advantages were simplicity and transparency. Monetary policy tools monetary base monetary policy can be implemented by changing the size of the monetary base. This directly changes the total amount of money circulating in the economy. A central bank can use open market operations to change the monetary base. The central bank would buy/sell bonds in exchange for hard currency. When the central bank disburses/collects this hard currency payment, it alters the amount of currency in the economy, thus altering the monetary base. . Monetary policy in different years The monetarist statistical regularities have weakened for the 1970-90 period, in comparison with the 1960-79 where the influence of current and past business activity on the money supply were weak, while the predictive value of changes in the money stock for future output was large National income and saving play vital role on formulation of monetary policy. As the income increases the spending will also increase, thus monetary will be less intensively required and same is the case with increase in saving .chart shows how the finance systems generate the real money and nominal money .The existence of long-run equilibrium relationship among money and income represented by a money demand function also has significant implications for monetary policy. The kind of economy India has, it is effected by the dollar rate .India has Services led growth is getting reinforced by a sustained resurgence in industrial activity after a long hiatus of slow down and restructuring during the period 1976-1987.Thus India contribute much too the imports and exports, thus it have impacted by dollar price.

Porters 5 Forces Essay Example for Free

Porters 5 Forces Essay Competitive strategy is a field of great interest to managers and is mainly based on a thorough understanding of the industrial, trade and service, competitors and environment. However, until the 80s, has offered few comprehensive analytical methods to obtain it. The competitive analysis and formulate corporate strategy, planning also helps to finance, marketing, value analysis and many other aspects of daily life of a business. One interesting for corporate strategy planning approach has been proposed by Michael E. Porter who states that there are five forces that influence the long-term profitability of a market or some segment of it. Therefore, the corporation must assess their objectives and resources against these five forces driving industry competitions, which are described below: 1) Threat of entry of new competitors or the market segment is unattractive depending on whether entry barriers are easy or not to cross by new entrants that may come with new resources and capabilities to seize market share. 2) Rivalry among competitors: for a corporation will be more difficult to compete in a market or a particular segment where competitors are well positioned, are very numerous and fixed costs are high, it will be constantly faced price wars, aggressive advertising, promotions and new product entry. 3) Bargaining power of suppliers: a market or market segment will not be attractive when providers are very well organized or trade union have strong resources and to impose its conditions of price and size of the order (with the aggravating circumstance if inputs that provide or have no substitutes are scarce and expensive). Nor if the provider decides strategically integrated forward and, for example, takes the distribution channels or where a product is distributed. 4) Bargaining power of buyers: a market or segment will not be attractive when customers are very well organized, the product has many substitutes, and it is not very differentiated or low cost to the client, allowing you they can make substitutions equally or lower cost. The growing demands of large buyers are focused on reducing prices, higher quality and best service; therefore, a corporation will be affected profit margins. The situation would worsen if buyers decide to integrate backwards and, for example, acquire d its suppliers or produce their own inputs.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

MIM and the Rise of Muslim Identity Politics

MIM and the Rise of Muslim Identity Politics Akshay Shetty The 2014 Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections were perhaps one of the most interesting electoral experiments in recent history. The 15 year old Congress-NCP alliance and the 25 year old Shiv Sena-BJP alliance came to an end and the four parties contested elections on their own. While the results of the elections didnt come as a surprise to any of the four parties, the success of one party has attracted massive media attention, albeit alarmist. Making its debut in Maharashtra, the Hyderabad based All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) won 2 seats in the 288-member assembly, grabbing a 0.9% share of votes. Waris Pathan won the Byculla assembly seat by a narrow margin of 1,357 votes, beating rivals Madhu Chavan of the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) and Geeta Gawli of the Akhil Bharatiya Sena (ABS). However, MIM sprung a major surprise in the Aurangabad Central seat, where its candidate, former NDTV journalist Imtiaz Jaleel defeated sitting Shiv Sena MLA Pradeep Jaiswal by 19,982 votes. It also lost three seats by a narrow margin and finished third in nine constituencies. Overall, MIM polled over 5.13 lakh votes, even though it fielded, in many cases, political novices. The party also cut into the traditional vote banks of the Congress, the NCP and managed to wrest control of some areas where the BJP was believed to be strong. Buoyed by the victory, MIM president Asaduddin Owasi is planning to expand the party base in the state. The MIM has decided to contest all municipal elections in the state, including the BMC election in 2017 and the Aurangabad municipal election in 2015. It already has 13 corporators in the Nanded-Waghala Municipal Corporation. Plans are also afoot to expand in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Karnataka. The MIM’s victory can be attributed to two main factors, the division of votes in other parties and the polarization of the Muslim votes. With the BJP led by Narendra Modi sweeping to victory after winning elections across India, the delicate balance between the country’s religious and ethnic minorities, and especially its Muslims, and the majority Hindu population is shifting. MIM fed off the growing feeling of political disempowerment among Muslims and the disenchantment with the Congress, a party which traditionally received the bulk of the Muslim vote. The vitriolic speeches of the Owaisi brothers, with fervent appeals to Allah and claims of Muslim victimhood contributed to the polarization. Clips of Akbaruddin Owaisi were widely circulated on WhatsApp, and the Muslim youth who are wary of the hysteria surrounding Narendra Modi were attracted to them (Lokhande, 2014). Thus the MIM’s victory is a combined result of Muslims being fed up of the token secularism of the Congress and the indifference and alienation by the BJP. India’s Muslims are at crossroads today. Before delving into the politics of the MIM, it is important to understand the state of India’s largest minority community. India’s Muslims Muslims make up about 14.4 percent of India’s total population. However, according to a 2013 report by the Pew Research Center, the country maintains â€Å"the world’s second-largest Muslim population in raw numbers (roughly 176 million).†Often referred to as â€Å"the lost children of India’s partition† (Gayer Jaffrelot, 2012), Muslims who chose to stay in India have struggled to keep pace with the majority community. The Sachar Commission report (2006), ordered by the then prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh showed Muslims to be stuck at the bottom of almost every economic or social indicator. They were poorly represented in public sector jobs, school and university places politics. Low literacy levels and low fertility were other major findings. India’s Muslims tend to be excluded from 3 sites of power within the state machinery: the judiciary, the administration and the police. In 2002, they represented only 6.26% of the 479 High Court judges in India, 2.95% of the 5,018 Indian Administrative Service officers and 4.02% of the 3,236 IPS officers. By contrast, according to a report in the Times of India, nearly 20% of India’s prisoners were Muslims. Experts believe that this trend is not because Muslims commit more crimes. Rather, it’s a product of economic and social deprivation. With no money for litigation and for getting bail, they end up languishing in jails for years. There have been several instances of false cases slapped against Muslims, especially after terror attacks and riots. Closer home, the Mahmoodur Rahman Committee appointed in 2008 by the Maharashtra government revealed the shocking social, economic and educational condition of Muslims in the state. Maharashtra has witnessed the highest number of Hindu-Muslim riots post-Independence. This has led to ghettoisation which has further contributed to their neglect. About 45% of Muslim households have a per capita income of less than Rs. 500 a month. About 58 % of urban Muslims live in slums. Muslims constitute only 8.1% of the state’s farmers, 44.4% of rural Muslims work as agricultural labourers, compared to 36.1% of Hindus. Only 4.4 % of Maharashtra’s Muslims work in the government services. In 2012, there was not a single Muslim in the entire cadre of the Indian Administrative Services. The committee also found that in the urban areas, bus stops are located at a 1.3 km distance from Muslim areas. Fearing a backlash from the state’s Muslims and the media, the government never tabled the report in the Assembly, though it was submitted in 2013. The above statistics paint a grim picture. However, this doesn’t suggest that Muslims haven’t progressed in independent India. In addition to being appointed to a number of top positions, Muslims in India â€Å"enjoy complete political and religious liberty, a free legislative environment to undertake economic and educational initiatives, a vibrant television media and cinema that teach liberal coexistence, and access to a vast number of universities and institutes of modern education† (Ahmad, 2014). However, the benefits of a democratic, secular and pluralistic polity haven’t trickled to the vast majority of the country’s Muslims. One of the main reasons for this has been their poor representation in our elective bodies. Muslim representation With every election, the position of Muslims has deteriorated. Muslims representation in the 16th Lok Sabha hit an all-time low of 22. For the first time in the history of Lok Sabha, not a single Muslim got elected from Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populated and electorally decisive state. Maharashtra’s Muslims too have been affected by the growing communal schism generated during the 1990’s. The number of Muslim MLAs in the recently elected Maharashtra Legislative Assembly has dropped to an abysmal nine. The state’s five main political parties put up only 45 Muslim candidates in the election. Out of the nine MLAs, eight have been elected from Muslim-dominated constituencies. Votes polled by Muslim candidates have been steadily falling since 1990. In 2009, while a non-Muslim candidate polled an average of 13,766 votes, a Muslim candidate attracted only 4,453 votes. This is the reason why most parties refuse tickets to Muslim candidates. No political party dares to put up a Muslim candidate unless the constituency has a substantial Muslim population. Even the avowed secular parties continue to succumb to communal consideration in the selection of their candidates. While it is not necessary that Muslims should be represented only by their co-religionists, electorally ignoring an important group is not good for the health of a nation. Representation gives a community a sense of belonging. Further, representation of multiple identities is the essence of modern democracy. During the first five decades after independence, the vast majority of Indian Muslims saw in the Congress their natural protector, for its commitment to secularism. However after the demise of Jawaharlal Nehru, the pluralism of the Congress soon started changing. Muslims’ faith in the Congress started eroding with the escalation of anti-Muslim violence and the political, social and economic marginalization of the community, sometimes at the hands of the Congress itself (such as during the Emergency). The party started milking the community for electoral gains, by conceding religious and cultural space to the Deobandi Ulemas. Banning Salman Rushdie’s novel Satanic Verses, overturning the Shah Bano judgment were among several of the party’s tropes which contributed to the disenchantment of moderate Muslims from the Congress. Muslim Identity Politics Despite the love lost with the Congress and other ‘secular’ parties, Indian Muslims have generally been reluctant to form their own political parties. However, in the last decade or so, a number of Muslim dominated political parties have emerged in India. The Peace Party was founded in Uttar Pradesh in 2008 by Mohamed Ayub. It won four seats in the 2012 Assembly elections and expanded its base in a number of states. The Kerala-based Indian Union Muslim League enjoys considerable popularity in the state. Maulana Badruddin Ajmal formed the All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) in Assam after falling out with Congress leader Tarun Gogoi in Assam. It is now the main opposition party in the state. Other Muslim identity based parties include the Parcham Party, Rashtriya Ulama Council and Welfare Party. However, none of these parties could achieve any substantial success. The MIM and its history It is in this context that the rise of MIM in Maharashtra should be seen. The MIM was formally founded in 1927 â€Å"for educational and social uplift of Muslims†, however it first arose as a proto-Islamist movement to defend the Nizam’s autocracy through an armed militia called the Razakars. They unleashed brutal violence against Hindus, the communists and all those wished to merge Hyderabad with independent India. In 1948, the Indian government sent in the army to overpower the Razakars, an operation that left several thousands dead. Hyderabad was annexed to India and Kasim Rizvi, the Majlis leader was imprisoned and the organization banned. Rizvi was released about a decade later only on the condition that he would leave for Pakistan in 48 hours. Before leaving, Rizvi handed over the reins to Abdul Wahed Owaisi, the grandfather of Asaduduin Owaisi. Owaisi re-drafted the Majlis constitution in keeping with the provisions of the Indian Constitution and heralded a new age in the party’s history. Though MIM remained on the margins of Hyderabad’s politics for about fifteen years, the situation soon started changing in the 1970s. Under the new president Salahuddin Owaisi, the party made great inroads in the city. Votes polled by Majlis in the Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat rose from 58,000 in 1962 to over four lakhs in 1989. It also set up a number of educational institutions for Muslims in the city. Thus, a party that was a part of the Razakars has found acceptance in the very city that had celebrated its ouster. The mainstream media has reacted to MIM’s victory in Maharashtra with a sense of paranoia. There are fears that the party could accentuate communal differences in the state. Moderate Muslims accuse the MIM of milking the sufferings of Muslims, while not doing anything for the community’s development. Party MP Akbaruddin Owaisi is known for his vitriolic hate speeches instigating Muslims to stand up against Hindu violence. MIM’s politics represent a reactionary agenda that seeks to counter the violent communal politics of the right-wing Hindu parties. On the other hand, Muslims are also hopeful about the MIM as they feel it can better represent the community’s interests. MIM’s rise represents the failure of all ‘secular’ parties in checking atrocities against India’s minorities and preventing majoritarianism. Muslim youth who fail to see themselves as a part of the youth Narendra Modi keeps gloating about are attracted to the MIM and its aspirational politics which largely involves invoking a false pride of the â€Å"glorious history of Muslim rulers†. However, the same youth need to realize that the MIM has done nothing to defend the human rights of young Muslims who are falsely accused of being terrorists and who end up spending years in jails. MIM has never spoken out against radicals within the community; neither has it done anything to empower Muslim women. It wouldn’t be long before India’s Muslims see through the farce that the MIM represents and the process of disillusionment sets in. Problems with identity politics The deeply problematic nature of MIM’s politics still doesn’t justify the media’s sustained and critical coverage of its victory in Maharashtra. Identity politics is not a new phenomenon. India’s ruling party BJP has its roots in Hindu nationalism, the Akali Dal was formed to give a political voice to Sikh issues, the RPI and its more than 50 factions claim to represent Dalits. The UP-based Apna Dal enjoys a following among the Kurmi caste. The Shiv Sena and now the MNS have, from time to time, raised the bogie of the Marathi manoos for electoral gains. The media’s hypocrisy while reporting about these parties needs to be called out. Muslim identity politics is as dangerous as the identity politics of any other community. According to Irfan Engineer, director of the Centre for Study of Society and Secularism, â€Å"Identity politics can be oppressive, hegemonic and exclusionary to strengthen hierarchies and hierarchical structures, to defend the privileges of the social, political and economic elite.† It is part of a larger trend of a greater assertiveness of identity in India. To counter this, it is important to strengthen the county’s secular and pluralistic ideals. Conclusion So what does that leave India’s Muslims with? They don’t need parties which essentialize their identity. Voting en bloc for hegemonic identity based parties isn’t going to yield any dividends. All they need is democratic representation of their interests. They need parties and candidates that stand for the values of equality, liberty and justice. MS Sathyu’s iconic film Garm Hava is perhaps the best film made on India’s partition. It shows Balraj Sahni’s family members leave for Pakistan, one after another, because of the increasing discrimination faced by them. In the end, Sahni and his son, Farooq Sheikh too decide to leave the country. On their way to the railway station, they come across a protest march by angry youth demanding jobs. Sheikh and, eventually, Sahni too join the march, thereby deciding to survive and succeed in his own homeland. An Urdu poem by Kaifi Azmi is heard in a voice-over as we see Sahni joining the protesters: â€Å"Jo door se toofan ka karte hain nazaara, unke liye toofan vahaan bhi hai yahan bhi, Dhaare mein jo mil jaaoge, ban jaaoge dhara, Ye vaqt ka elaan vahan bhi hai yahan bhi.† The scene is a poignant reminder for India’s Muslims that their future depends on engaging with politics of social justice and security rather than falling prey to leaders stoking their insecurities. Bibliography: Ahmad, T. (2014). Democracy and Indian Muslims. Daily Times. Retrieved 29 November 2014, from Ananth, V., Gadgil, M. (2014). Religious polarization helps AIMIM debut in Maharashtra. Mint. Retrieved 27 November 2014, from Ashraf, A. (2014). Hidden history of the Owaisis. Firstpost. Retrieved 28 November 2014, from Bagri, N. (2014). Indian Muslims Lose Hope in National Secular Party. The New York Times. Retrieved 27 November 2014, from Engineer, I. (2014). Political Mobilisation of Muslims in India Changing Pattern. Secular Perspective, XVII (21). Gayer, L., Jaffrelot, C. (2012). Muslims in Indian cities. New Delhi: HarperCollins India. Ghosh, S. (1987). Muslim politics in India. New Delhi: Ashish Pub. House. Lokhande, D. (2014). Why we should be concerned about MIM victories in Maharashtra. DNA. Retrieved 27 November 2014, from Noorani, A. (2003). The Muslims of India. Delhi: Oxford University Press. Rahman, M. (2013). The Condition of Muslims in Maharashtra. Mumbai. Sachar, R. (2006). Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community of India. New Delhi. Shaikh, Z. (2014). Force behind MIM. The Indian Express. Retrieved 27 November 2014, from Sharma, S. (2014). Behind the victory of a Muslim party in Maharashtra, the gamble of a journalist. Scroll. Retrieved 27 November 2014, from,-the-gamble-of-a-journalist Shukla, A. (2014). Maharashtra polls: Opinions among Muslims on AIMIM pitch vary. DNA. Retrieved 27 November 2014, from The Hindu : Holding them captive?. Retrieved 27 November 2014, from Zakaria, R. (1995). The widening divide. New Delhi: New York, N.Y.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Partnerships :: Business and Management Studies

Partnerships Deed of partnership A written document that sets out the business relationship between members of a partnership. Limited Partner A member of a partnership who has unlimited liability. Such partners invest money and have a share of the profit, but play no part in running the firm. Partnership Where two or more people own a business together with a view to making a profit. Sleeping partner A member of a partnership who invests money in the firm but plays no part in its running. What is a partnership? A partnership exists when two or more people own a business together with a view to making a profit. Most partners have unlimited liability, therefore if the business fails they can lose all their personal wealth. A maximum of 20 partners is allowed in general partnership. Each partner is a part owner in the business and has the right to take part in running it. Sleeping partners of limited partners may invest in the business but take no part in its running. Why form a partnership? To finance expansion of a sole trader’s business. A sole trader’s own resources will be limited. To obtain capital for a business To get someone to share the work and responsibility of running a business To add new skills to the business. Deed of Partnership This is a very important document and is the contract that sets out the terms of the relationship between the partners. Benefits of working as partners More start up capital Shared costs Shared decision making Wider range of skills More ideas. Drawbacks of working as partners Unlimited liability Have to share profits Limited capital One partners actions can ruin the business No continuity / stability Hard to get money back Activities 1. Unlimited liability is more of a risk to partners than it is to sole traders because if the business fails, the partners could lose all of their personal wealth, not just the money invested in the business, even if the problem was not to do with them. If someone was owed money by the business, the partnership can be sued or just one partner could be sued. If that partners had to pay the debt, he or she would have to get the other partner to pay their share of the money owed. 2. The reason that there is a legal limit on the number of partners in a partnership is because if there are to many partners it gets out of hand, and it becomes hard to keep track. 3. See separate sheet 4. We don’t believe this statement to be very true at all because, we

Friday, July 19, 2019

Pollution Essay: Strategies for Dealing With Global Warming :: Environmental Global Climate Change

Global warming effects the world on three different levels, the most obvious is the international level, then national and local level. Global affects everybody and should the levels continue we could see significant sea level rises. Many countries are very bad offenders when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions especially the U.S.A and the Russians. Due to this and many other climatic and diplomatic reasons, world summits are held every five years, Rio in 1992, Kyoto in 1997 and most recently Johannesburg in 2002. In the kyoto summit of 1997 an agreement was decided upon, in this pact all the countries that attended agreed to reduce carbon emissions down to the levels of 1990. All the countries that attended the talks signed up to the pact and agreed to reduce carbon emissions. Although they had signed up to it, the americans, could not ratify what they had agreed upon in kyoto because the senate did not pass it. By the time of the johannesburg summit in 2002, the Americans were being villified by the world press as they were now trying to go back on the agreement they signed and trying to find loopholes. The U.S.A and other nations are trying to put forward the idea of convergence. This idea suggests that the developing world is allowed to increase their carbon emmissions and the developed world reduces theirs: [IMAGE] Fig 1. Idea of convergence The idea suggests that the developing world is allowed to industrialise, while the developed world, with its technology and know-how reduce theirs to an acceptable level. On a national level, i will look into two nations that are dealing with the kyoto agreement in different ways. The U.K is firmly sticking to what it signed up to in Kyoto, it is the leading country in carbon emission reduction and it is leading the way in many initiatives it has set up. It is leading the way in the use of low sulphur fuels, which do much less damage to the environment.

Everyone Has an Obligation to Vote Essay -- Politics Political Essays

Why should I vote? This is a simple question with a long history of debate. My vote doesn't make a difference anyway. I'm too busy. They're all crooks, why should I vote for one of them? There isn't a good choice. Nothing will change. The problem with these reasons is that they actually perpetuate the circumstances keeping would-be-voters away from the polls. Many arguments exist for both sides of the issue, however, I believe more reasons to vote exist than lame excuses. My vote is too insignificant to make a difference anyway. No one's vote "makes no difference," though the difference may be small in comparison to the whole, it is there nonetheless. Through not voting, one is only guaranteeing that one's own opinion will make no difference. If the right isn't exercised, no reason exists for its presence. Countless complaints would arise the instant anyone tried to revoke one's right to vote, therefore, that right must actually be valued. Since that right is valued, then it must be thought to have the power to make a difference, and thus the excuse is invalid. At least put fourth the effort and try to make a difference, no matter how inconsequential every little bit helps. My schedule is too busy; I don't have time to vote. Voting can be done by absentee ballot if one is out of town on Election day. No need to go anywhere or stand in lines, just fill out the ballot and mail it in. Every citizen is eligible to vote by mail if they cannot get to the polls on election day. For some it is often just a matter of convenience. With the absentee ballot, none have an excuse not to vote. It's not hard work, actually it's rather easy, almost too easy. The real reason behind this excuse usually boils down to ... ...o do so. Nonvoters, on the other hand, don't readily see those same benefits, and resist when confronted with them by voters. In conclusion, I feel that everyone has an obligation to vote, a responsibility for the betterment of themselves, their children, their peers and their country. I believe that if more people were educated as to the benefits of voting, voter turnout would dramatically increase, and promote a greater general concern. Only through knowledge will we ever be able to make a difference in the minds of nonvoters to make the choice to act upon their duty to vote. Shortly before he died, James Madison, wrote in a letter to a friend, "A popular government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it is but a tragedy . . . a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

Thursday, July 18, 2019

American International Group

AIG holding company deals with insurance as well as other activities that are related to insurance in America with its operations through several subsidiaries. The primary activities of the company incorporate the general insurance as well as life insurances and the operation services dealing with retirement. The company also undertakes financial services as well as financial management. The operating segments of the company allows for the provision of insurance, the provision of services as well as products to business bodies and the individuals alike in over 130 countries together with their jurisdictions.The company was involved in a sale of about a half of its stakes in the city airport of London. The company also made a sale of the security portfolios that backs the residential mortgage to Maiden Lane (David & John 7). AIG happened to be on of the reputable insurance organizations in America just prior to the sudden collapse of the company around the ninth month of 2008. The act ual cause of the collapse was a heavy weight involving bad debts as a result of the insurance that the company made against securities backed by mortgages.Federal Reserve initially took the initiative of bailing the company with an infusion involving over eighty five billion US dollars. Despite of this initiative, the trend of the losses was on the increase leading to the announcement by the treasury of a fresh rescue package in November of the same year. This package was a result of the escalating cost to the extent of US $ 150 billion (The NY Times par. 1). On the third month of 2009, the federal states government made an agreement for the provision of an extra US $ 30 billion to the company with more soft terms.The extent of the loan was on the upward side and the extent of the loss of the company was in the tune of US $ 61. 7 billion (The NY Times par. 2). This was a mega loss on a quarterly basis that was recorded in history. In its history, the company received an intervention from the American government for four times for the purpose of the aversion of its bankrupsy. The interventions have resulted to the escalation of the government shares in the company to the extent of 80%. The interventions occurred in the form loans amounting to over US $ 60 billion, preferred shares acquisition amounting to US $ 40 billion.An additional US $ 50 billion was invested in the company with the objectives of soaking up of the toxic assets of the company (The NY Times par. 2). This company was faced by outrage of significant magnitude on the realization of the fact that bonuses amounting to over US$ 165 million had been paid in the recent past to the members involved in the unit of trade that was instrumental to the collapse of the company. This was an incident that took place in the 15th day of March. This prompted President Obama to direct the treasury to assess the possibility of the blockage of the payments as well as its recovery (The NY Times par.4). This was foll owed by a hearing composed of a highly emotional congress led by the chief executive Edward Liddy. The executive requested all of the employees whose annual income is above US $ 100 000 who had participated in the payout of the bonus to refund half of it. This had the reflection of the disgust the public as well as the political arena were exposed to due to the action of rewarding the individuals who took part in the collapse of the company and distressing the economy. Majority of them expressed their desire to refund the full amount of what they had been awarded (The NY Times par.6). Although this company has its roots in the United States, its origin is actually Asia. The founder of the company was a veteran of the First World War named Cornelius V. Stars. The focus of the company in 1960 was the increments of the share of the company of the business of life insurance as well as writing unusual coverage. These include examples of kidnapping insurance as well as protection suits by the officers and the directors of companies. The problems of this company have their accommodation in the financial units that are based in London.The group offering financial services ties the security and value of the homes of the vendor. The decline in the value of the homes as well as the value of the mortgages was the contributing factor of the problems of the company. The distress of the company was preceded by the unusual period associated with turmoil (The NY Times par. 12). The early part of 2005 was characterized by questions regarding the company’s financial transaction that brought about the improvement of the earnings of the company.The complex structure of the company as well as its aggressive approach is a reflection of the company’s determination for the creation of an empire of a global standard whose operations were to complement the business (The NY Times par. 12). Works Cited The NY Times. American International Group 26th March 2009 March 19 2009 David, Frost. John, Greenya. American International Group. NY: U. S. News and World Report, 1988.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effects of World War 2 Essay

economic make was the or so primary(prenominal) final result of human being War 2. To what boundary do you determine? World War 2 (WW2) was a global strugglefare that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and it originated from early employment within europium. It involved many of the pencil lead powers of the World including the great powers and became the al roughly widespread fight in history. The ending of WW2 guide to three very important put favorable, political and sparing that greatly shape the post-war terra firma. I disagree that economic make was the most important effect of WW2 because it did non last very long and did non affect a cock-a-hoop cranial orbit of mountain as comp nuclear number 18d to other factors. The criteria apply to evaluate the social, political and economic effect of WW2 is the distance of which the effect lasted for, the grasp of multitude it abnormal and its order. Economic make did disturb the magnitude and duration crite ria. However, it did not follow through the other criteria and it is ultimately political cause that is determined as the main effect of WW2 because it fulfil all the criteria and largely blow the post-war orb. The first criteria impart be the duration of which the effect lasted for. Economic effect did not figure this criteria because the make of financial embolden that the US and USSR provided lasted for a long clock.For illustration, the sphere-wide M nonpareiltary Fund created in 1944 free exists and has lent money to countries to protect their currencies in times of difficulty. The financial aid was totally provided for a brief period of time just to armed service atomic number 63 find out from the consequences of the disastrous war. However, the make of this console exists at present and on that pointfore economic set up finish this criteria. companionable set up of WW2 included a change in gender roles and family structure, more than(prenominal ) importantly, the role of women in post-war world. There was a wider range of melodic phrases that women could take on later on WW2, however, women were allay treated badly as compared to the men. After WW2, women became more cocksure and they obstinate to create more feminist movements and campaigns for friction match pay and rights. As of today, feminist movements are still being conducted and this shows us how these campaigns are being influence by wartime experience. The new HeforShe campaign created by the United Nations (UN) impertinently appointed Ambassador Emma Watson serves as an example of a feminist movement influenced by the other campaigns that were sparked up because of WW2. This is why social effectuate fulfils this criteriaas it still impacts the world today and in that locationfore, is a long-term effect. semipolitical effect included the nuclear get along with and the development of atomic weapons after WW2. The atomic bombing of Japan in Hiroshima an d Nagasaki had a profound effect on the pot-war world. betwixt 1945 and 2000, 128,000 nuclear weapons were built. The nuclear escalation after WW2 started as more countries other than the US and USSR started to conformation nuclear weapons. The consequences of political make still exists because countries are still building nuclear weapons as it is seen as a presentation of power and therefore political effects fulfils this criteria. Therefore, all these factors fulfil this criteria. The second criteria will be the scope of people the effect unnatural. Economic effects did not meet this criteria because world trade, a result of economic effects actually that affected Europe and the US still and had not direct impact on the world internationally. For example, when the US pressed for freer trade, western Europe began to co-operate economically and tried to lower its tariffs. Economic effects did not meet this criteria because it only majorly force Europe and the US and not th e rest of the world. Social effects similarly did not meet this criteria because it only affected the minorities in society corresponding the blacks and women. In the Southern states, black labour increase and this gave black people more job opportunities which gave the blacks a wider experience of the world.Evidently, social effects only affected minor groups of people and does not fulfil this criteria. political effects included greater unity and international co-operation. The large scale defence organisations like the North Atlantic Treaty government of 1949 and regional pacts like the South einsteinium Asia Treaty Organisation set a precedent for the many international organisations that started. every(prenominal) these measures are taken so that countries batch resolve conflicts using negotiations instead of war and this allowed the maintenance of peace amongst most of the world. semipolitical effects is the only factor that fulfilled this criteria. The third criteria w ill be the magnitude of the effect and how large its impact was on post-war world. Even though financial help from the US lasted only for a short period of time, it caused the greatest economic impact on Europe. By 1952, Europe not only recovered from its initial pauperization precisely was also on the saltation of its greatest economic boom in history. Economic effects had a large impact of Europe and this is why it fulfils this criteria. Social effects did not cause as largeof a magnitude because its effects were mediocre. It is indeed true that women were more confident and freer from demands at home but there were no drastic changed to social systems as women were still considered beneath men. Even today, there is no gender equality as men in most split of the world still receive more pay and rights than women.This is why social effects does not fulfil this criteria. Political effects caused the development of the common cold war which was considered one of the most signific ant consequences of WW2. It greatly squeeze Europe, making Western and Eastern Europe more divided. The cold war was a battle over ideology, making the bill between the US and USSR even clearer. The cold war was also the closest the world ever came to another atomic war. The deuce superpowers of that time possessed nuclear weapons that would obligate been extremely detrimental to the world if launched. Political effects wedge the world to a great magnitude because the cold war included the two superpowers during that time and it caused a greater division between Western and Eastern Europe. Economic effects and political effects fulfilled this criteria. After analyse the different factors with this set of criteria, I still disagree that economic effects was the most significant effect of WW2.Economic effects only fulfilled the magnitude and scope criteria and therefore is not the most important effect. I believe that political effects is the main effect of WW2 because it fulfill ed the most criteria. It was a long-term effect of war and affected large amounts of people. It also impacted the post-war world to a great extent and this is why it should be considered as the most important effect of WW2. Economic effects did pull Europe out of scantiness and it also lasted very long but it did not affect the world internationally. It was only limited to Europe and the US. Social effects only satisfied the duration criteria as feminist movements still exist in the modern world today and were influenced by the WW2. On the other hand, political effects lasted very long and also pushed for ruin international relations that strongly impacted post-war world. Therefore, political effects is the most important effect of WW2.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Youth confront preparedness matter.ROLE OF THE YOUTH IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD The youth has great strength, vigour, good health etc. These features should be channeled towards the propagation of the gospel. Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God (Lk. 18:16).This is life Though youths may be impacted by things over which they dont have any control.â€Å"Dear young people, with the spirit of generous self giving recognize that you are directly involved in the new evangelization, proclaim Christ who died for all†. Where are our Youths today? Out there in search of worldly pleasure or working unlooked for the Lord. (Ref. to the past).

Most youth do not have any idea of what the future holds for them.Joseph had an sexual encounter with God. He reverenced God. The fear of God was in his heart. Portipher’s household prospered because of the presence of Joseph.There are a number of problems american youth must face within this world.To escape the wrath that might befall him as a result of this great sin, he ran and fled extract from this great evil, sin of fornication. Godless youth would take advantage of this immoral opportunity and yield to the temptation. It egypt takes a heart that has been washed by the Blood of The Lamb, a youth who has experienced the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, a sanctified person and very Holy Ghost filled to overcome such temptation. For the bible says â€Å"for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world†.

Contemporary day childhood of India lives in the historys phase.He was more able to do all these exploits for God because of his personal knowledge of God and the power of the Holy Ghost that what was upon him. Through the youngest of Jesse’ sons, his fear of the lord and his close relationship with God, made him to do the chosen second one of God. †Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came mighty upon young David from that day forward (1Samuel 16:13). Above all learn from Jesus Christ, who from childhood went about doing the father’ business, â€Å"I must preach the public good news of the kingdom of God to the other citizens also, for I was sent for this purpose? Make yourself available for noble use.Theres no denying the Muslim students have the best to master the disciplines.To them, if the society accept the society’s new directions. To them, if the society accepts pre-marita l sex, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, sex education, use of condoms, lesbianism etc. hey cannot see why the church has to keep calling them sins. The youth sees the youth state as a period of fun and freedom.

com.What a wasted life! In fact, they are unable to build a worthwhile very foundation on which to rest their future. Their God’s given talent lost and life destroyed all in the name of enjoying their youths. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he admonished Timothy in these words: Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue Righteous, faith, love and peace, Along start with those who call on the Lord Out of a pure heart† 2Tim:22 The youthful stage when properly managed can lead to disaster.All youths should heed to Paul’s admonition to timothy.Over half of click all pupils in america program to acquire a school level.Learn from David and Joseph, the way to upright living. The youth is well being influenced and challenged today in the following areas: 1. INFLUENCE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY Modern technology had led to the invention of personal computer, the satellite, Digital television, the internet, mobile phone (GSM).These devices had in no small measure made th e world a global village.

Problems empty can get stones instead of stumblingblocks.The mobile telephone has made communication easy. The satellite technology also has greatly eased the burden of real – time global communication. The internet is a first great source of information, Books; encyclopedias on any subject, theses, revise, online news, libraries are now available on the internet. Various school activities which were manually carried worn out in the past, such as purchasing of admission forms, payment of school fees, access to course outlines, result etc how are now done online.Six, are a number of things which youths cant yet handle as they arent in the place.Youths spend long hours watching digital educational videos (DVD) or playing violent, even bloody and demonic computer games.Some youths spend hours or the whole night browsing forbidden site on the internet thereby getting exposed to inappropriate materials, such as pornographic and erotica because some youth get initiated into Sa tanism, Spiritism and other esoteric region. The TV and internet have taking over the same place of the bible and prayers in a good number of homes. Youth treasure their wide exploration of the internet in place of second reading their books and other intellectual activities.

Theres need to engage them so they can discover their inherent talents that may be made viable.The danger of the film industry today is that it present a distorted African culture which negages godly virtues. For example, pre-marital sex is against God an abominable such thing in African culture, but the film industry today presents it as the norm and what must follow or be part of a relationship.Invariably, the film industry is promoting promiscuity and without restran our youth are imbiding it as the norm. Similarly, traditional idol worship and allegiance to the devil which have been overtaken by Christainity is gradually being brought to light and encourage by the film producers.Young people arent perfect.NEGLECING OF HARD WORK Many many youths want to go the easy way of life. No work but wants to be rich.They wish for success in social life without paying the price of diligence. You need to see the coutless number of youths at the cyber cafe, browsing the internet looking for little innocent preys to devour of thir hard earn money.

In the same time, children need to see that parents care.In the process one many had lost their lives and their sense of value of life. Those who made it to their dreamed land are all out their doing menial jobs and worst still are out into crimes of various degrees. 5. Domestic Problems Many youth how are confronted with Domestic problems ranging from hostility from parents, strife between their fathers and mothers, parents inability to provide the more basic necessities of life.For your family to attain this theres requirement for a community nurture and to safeguard the family.Praise the Lord! Let us trace our dressing to the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they realized that they are naked. They sewed fig leaves coming together to make themselves aprons (Gen3:7). This covered only a part of their bodies.

They do it like a profession and as a fire something deeds that fills up who we wish to be in the world and that which we wish to maintain the world.Luke’s gospel Chapter 8 ;26-35). The little demon possessed man was naked. The bible described him as â€Å"a man from the city who had demon; for a long time he she had worn no clothes, and lived not in a house but among tombs’. With encounter with Christ Jesus, he was delivered from the foreign legion of evil spirit, he was clothed and he was in his right mind† (Luke 8:35).Their problems, despite the fact arent the same.For cell all that is inworld, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of the world†. I John2:15. Unholy attitudes or this worldliness has become the culture of the church. Some church members tell you what you wear does not matte, after all religion is in the heart.

Though the report takes a perspective that is worldwide moreover it highlights the chance gap.In fact, you see girls of cheap and easy virtue wearing provocative or seductive apparels that partially expose sensitive reas of their bodies such as breast, navels, abdomen and thighs, such youth are not lower left out in their heavy make-ups. Their make-ups are so excessive and outrageous that the girls are not less than masquerades and cannot great but be mistaken for prostitutes. Why would a Christain woman or lady imitate Jezbel? â€Å"When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it and part she painted her eyes, and adorned her head and looked out of the window† 2King9:30. Some ladies dress in such way that they stimulate lustful desires in men.Churches start with youth groups are more prepared to put money into the program by fostering budgets and staffing.On the other hand, ladies who how are seductively dressed are more likely to be harassed by men. In the actual sense, a lady who is immodestly dressed is simply adverstising herself, telling the male folk that she is available. No wonder, today that the rate at which women are raped is exceedingly alarming. The men folk are not left out of this craze unlooked for fashion.

It is so difficult that, if it occurs at all, its going to be wonder.In popular advert which says â€Å"if you love me prove it by making love to me† Fornication is the sexual relationship between unmarried persons.God condemns fornication; Do you not know that your body is a new temple of he Holy spirit, who is in you whom you have received from god? You are not your own, you were received with a price. Therefore, honour god with your body (1cor 6:19-20) Anyone who destroy the temple of the Holy spirit which you are will face wrath of God. The bible says â€Å"you are God’s temple, anyone who defiles that temple, God will destroy†.Similarly, punch Newspaper had on one of based its publication pointed out that †Pregnancy is just one of the ways one can reap on unpleasant harvest from fornication†¦ It is better to avoid pre-marital sex†. 8. Wild Ambition Youths, no doubt are very ambitious.Being ambitious itself should be commended.The bible tells us to flee from all appearance of evil. Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good report; if there be any virtue logical and if there be any paise, think on these thing (1 Cor10:31. Phil 4:8) Do not get involved in any activity that is contrary to the tenents of God.

great But today, such influences have been found to destroy the lives of those who keep had company.Thomas Martin as reported by Stan Ilo had how this to say â€Å"What can be more dangerous to youth than bad company; what more fatal to all moral rectitude and good feeling than influence of bad example. Bad company ruins good moral. It will be highly recommended youths can be involved in authentic friendship.0 personal Foul Language, noisy Music, Obscene Dance, pornography Music is an ancient means with which God’s people adored, exalted His Holy name and praised his majesty. This is still God’s expectation from us today. However, Christain music of today has assumed a new dimension from what obtains in the bible. clinical Most Christain music today are emotional, sensual and noisy.11. UNEMPLOYMENT There is a high rate of employment in this country. Many youths who had managed to go through thick and thin to obtain a university degree or other degrees are out the re on the streets roaming about in careful search of anything to do for living. His has been the concern of both youths and their parents.Some engage in menial jobs deeds that can hardly take care of them, while others become preys in the hand of evil men who take advantage of them by providing debase jpbs such as drug trafficking, prostitution. The self employed are faced with problems of generating power for tjose whose jobs require electricity. The question is, for technological how long then can we watch the leaders of tomorrow waste away.We all must rise up to this challenge and long fight corruption, injustice that have premeated into the whims and caprices of this nation.

To every man there is a wife and to every young woman there is a man. Therefore wait on the Lord, and He will provide. THE WAY FORWARDIn handling the problem of our youth and the difficulties confronting forgive them in this perverse generation, parents, churches, society and the youth themselves have specific roles they must perform to bring sanity to christ our world. Let us reflet on the role of the youth themselves.Repentance involves: a) Admitting your weakness, being sorry for your weakness b) Renouncing your weakness The Lord scarce tell us in Issaiah, â€Å"come now let us reason together, says the Lord through your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become loke wool† (Is. 1:18) Go for sacramental reconciliation. Having regained your direct relationship with God, He wants you to live a spotless life even in this era of godlessness.What is expected of the youth therefore according to the word of God is outlined as follows: 1. The youth must treasure the unaltered word of God in his heart, life and mouth, civilization or no civilization. 2. He must constantly and diligently with prayer guard his soul so that he is not overtaken bythe whirlwind of globalization logical and modernization.Depend on the grace of God. Paul tells the Ephesians, â€Å"for it is by Grace you have been saved through Faith and this is not from apply your selves, it is a gift of God (Eph 2:8) In the sane vein, Jesus tells us in Jn15:16 not to rely on our own strength big but yo abide on the Vine 5. Invite the Holy spirit, the sanctifying power of God into your life. It is the spirit that gives life.